Let’s start the conversation…
Your enquiry is important to us. If you’re taking time out of your day to contact us, we want to take time to give you a personalised, considered and informative reply.
To help us give you the best quality reply possible it’s important that you take the time to provide an appropriate amount of detail.
The contact form below is designed to help you provide us with great information about your enquiry as quickly and easily as possible
Once you’ve filled out the form and hit the submit button, we’ll typically get a proper reply to you within 24hrs.

Prefer to chat with a human instead?
Full time indoor dog training center in Boronia, Victoria 3155
If you’re seeking in person training for you and your dog please be aware that those services are typically provided at our training facility in Wadhurst Drive, Boronia, 3155.
The first of it’s kind in Melbourne, our venue is purpose fitted for dog training. It provides a highly secure and manageable environment, and means we can provide services year round for our valued clients.
We also provide a number of online and remote training options, and on occasion we provide ‘at your location’ services in circumstances where they’re deemed most appropriate.
Before submitting an enquiry below we ask you consider whether you’re prepared to travel to our location to receive high quality in-person dog training and/or specialist behavioural coaching.