Temperament Evaluations & Reports
Once completed our redesign and refit will make our training space a flexible, functional and highly modern training space of truly international quality
Every aspect is built around providing a high end learning and training environment for 1:1 coaching, small group learning and seminars.
It’s the kind of space we need to do the quality of work that we want to, with the quality of clients that we wish to work with.
Custom fabricated fencing, dog runs, separate training and teaching areas, modern tech, modern amenities and more.
We’re looking forward to presenting this facility upgrade to the public by early Q2 2024.

Full time indoor dog training studio
The first and only full time indoor training facility in
Melbourne dedicated to high end coaching and
behavioural consulting.
Our facility is highly secure
Admission to our facility is tightly managed at all times with high, heavy duty gates to prevent random folks or stray dogs from wandering into the training area.
We provide an environment with a high degree of control and predictability. This is particularly useful for dogs with a history of aggression or reactivity, dogs prone to bolting from owners, and dogs that are particularly anxious, timid or fearful
Clients can enjoy peace of mind and better concentrate on achieving their training goals, knowing that they and their dog are safe.

Caters to different human learning styles
CSI Training Center – Boronia, VIC 3155People learn in a variety of ways, and that can change depending on the activity being undertaken and the content being covered.
We have invested many thousands of dollars to provide our clients with access to state-of-the-art learning technology.
Our facility boasts an education spec. digital projector, internet access, and the ability to film elements of sessions to document their dog’s progress and allow coaching on very specific elements of their program.
More traditional tools to allow for more productive learning include multiple white boards, and a seated ‘classroom’ area where clients can comfortably absorb more complex topics optimally.

Perfect for taking learning to the next level
Our dedicated training area is purpose designed to offer a high quality indoor dog training environment.
Everything that we need to work together comfortably and effectively is easily accessible – seating, toilet facilities, teaching tech, etc.
During our sessions with clients we can readily produce equipment from just meters away that can help keep the learning flowing for the dog-handler team in a much more ideal fashion.
If we ever need to take the learning outdoors as part of our work then we are spoiled with numerous excellent outdoor training areas within a short walk

Perfect for seminars & workshops
Host your next dog training workshop or seminar at our
training facility
Year round training – day or night, all weather
No more stomping around on a muddy oval, or working with car headlamps lighting your dog training session.
Our full time indoor dog training facility means our clients have access to a truly year round, all weather training option
Those attending our facility have access to all necessary amenities, along with access to hot and cold drinks in the kitchen area.
Being a larger dog training center you’ll still need a coat in winter…but hey, there had to be a catch somewhere.

Small things…they make a Biggie difference
It’s not just the big things, it’s the little things too that make training at this facility that much different.
Off street parking for increased security and convenience, with parking available right outside the door.
Toilet facilities, lockers for your training gear, whiteboards for sharing ideas.
Large mirrors to work in without having to look at your dog all the time.
Also, a kick-ass sound system…that’s right, we bump Biggie Smalls in the background whilst we polish your heelwork or work on your dog’s next trick.

Cleanliness and infection controls
CSI go to great lengths to ensure that dogs that enter our facility are in good health, with appropriate vaccination records.
It’s part of our responsibility as a registered Domestic Animal Business (DAB), but it’s also just good business to look after the health of our client’s dogs.
Our cleaning protocols involve the use of antimicrobial cleaning agents, we back this up with high tech viral and bacterial suppressants. This offers a similar or even better potential for sterilisation than can be expected in the waiting room of a typical vet surgery – without the same traffic of sick and ailing animals.

Good coffee
There’s a big difference between training on a local oval whilst soccer practice happens next door, and working in a dedicated facility designed to make dog training a great experience.
A good cup of coffee can be a wonderful way to break the ice with new clients, or to warm up on a cold day.
It also provides a nice way to take a productive training break, debrief about our last training serial, or have conversation about what comes next to prepare for the next training exercise.
We also provide our clients bottled water – because after all, we’re not savages.
You may hear some scuttlebutt that we serve kombucha whilst we train…chances are that’s just a rumour and we can’t offer any guarantees.